The Southland Bookstore ministry first began in 1999 with a subscription offering of the Baptist Bread, a bi-monthly devotional booklet, to church members. 

Today, the Bookstall provides King James Bibles, and doctrinally sound Christian books for the purpose of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and for the edification of the Church. 

The vision of the Bookstall ministry is to find a permanent location, and to expand its range of resources to include quality music, gifts and merchandise.

Requirements for Store Volunteers:

  • Be responsible for the storefront on your rostered day on
    • Rosters will be based on volunteer numbers
    • Please note you may miss out on morning tea on  your rostered day
  • Set out books, and guest table by 8:30am each Sunday, and pack books when done.
  • Man the bookstall during operating times, and provide customer service including payment collection.
  • Manage money box during operating times.


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Tip: choose as many as you like!